Thursday, November 1, 2007

Why Do I Need Donations?

My main purpose of blogging is to share whatever valuable learnings I got from seminars, training, personal experiences, and experiences of other people which would be helpful in giving guidance, direction, inputs, and suggestions to those who feel the need. I like to write blogs even after midnight due to my busy schedules because I could feel the satisfaction of contributing something that could be instrumental in guiding us, especially the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow, in building a better world for all and assure a better world for the next generation.

However, my irregular salary as a part-time teacher and a casual government employee receiving 200 pesos a day in my country Philippines could not sustain the finances I need for my family and for the fulfillment of my dreams for the common good. Generally, it is observable that our situation nowadays is not more on qualifications, potentials, and skills but more on "whom you know" and not "what you know" that implicates questionable cultural trends. It could be the reason why many Filipinos prefer to work abroad - to countries that consider the required potentials and skills supplemented by justifiable remunerations and benefits.

At this moment, I prefer to stay in my country because I realize that I could share valuable learnings worldwide through internet where I could be of help considering my respect and understanding for all races, cultures, and beliefs as long as the primary goal is for the goodness of mankind in general.

Honestly, one of my dreams is to establish a foundation in the future wherein I could facilitate the release and enhancement of potentials of unfortunate people who are not provided with justifiable opportunities like the street children with good motives in life; poor but intelligent students or out-of-school youths; effective teachers who are not given justifiable employment and remuneration; better workers who are not provided with justifiable income and benefits; and other people or communities who need support for the common good.

For those who are learning from my blogs and have been blessed with more than enough financial resources...


I have my ATM account at present wherein you may send your donation:

METROBANK - Calamba Branch
Public Market, Town Proper, Calamba City
Electronic Teller (E.T.)

Account No.:
396 - 3 - 39607540 - 8
Account Name:
Reynaldo R. Cascaro


Send at
through E-mail I.D. No. PP331
(Email Address:

When you have decided to donate please
give a comment regarding your donation... or send an E-mail to the above-mentioned E-mail Address

I would be grateful for your support and be assured that your donations will always be used to improve my blogging career and help more people in the future.

The efforts I exerted, time consumed, and money spent in the making of blogs have no remunerations, thus, basically free for all. The advertisements may only give me some income if given attention by visitors like you. This is the reason why I only ask for donations for those who have excess financial resources. I would be glad if my blogs be shared for the benefits of mankind whatever is the race, culture, or country.

Thank you very much in advance.


Christian bautista - Colour Everywhere

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